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Kids' Bike Trade-Ins

We Want Your Used Kids' Bikes!

All of our stores offer a trade-in program for children's bicycles.

We know how quickly kids can outgrow their bicycles, and we know that as a parent you want to make sure your child is safe and comfortable on their bike.

To make it a little easier to keep them on a bicycle that fits them correctly, we will accept any children's bike as a trade-in towards a new bike purchase.

If the existing bike was purchased from one of our stores, we have a guaranteed trade-in value of up to 50%, based on the age of the bike.

  • Less than a year old = 50% trade-in value
  • 1 to 2 years old = 40% trade-in value
  • 2 to 3 years old = 30% trade-in value
  • 3 to 4 years old = 20% trade-in value
  • 4 to 5 years old = 10% trade-in value

If the bicycle was purchased elsewhere, we would offer you what we feel is fair market value for the trade-in.

Either way, you can make sure that your child is riding a bicycle that is comfortable and safe throughout their growing years.

Please contact any of our stores for more details.